jacobin|jacobins in English


[Jac·o·bin || 'dʒækəʊbɪn]

member of the radical Jacobin party in during the French Revolution; radical, revolutionary, extremist; Dominican friar; type of domestic pigeo

Use "jacobin|jacobins" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jacobin|jacobins" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jacobin|jacobins", or refer to the context using the word "jacobin|jacobins" in the English Dictionary.

1. Most states are Jacobin in spirit.

2. At that time, the ruling Jacobin faction leader Robespierre strongly supports this request.

3. In 1589 Henry was himself assassinated by a fanatical Jacobin friar.

4. As an important leader of Jacobin, Robes Pierre has brought the French Revolution to its climax.

5. The logic was Jacobin, the authority deriving from a perceived mandate to recast time-honored practices.

6. The minimum singular value of the power flow Jacobin matrix can be used to evaluate the voltage stability margin.

7. In 1794 Robespierre had ultra-radicals and moderate Jacobins executed; in consequence, however, his own popular support eroded markedly.

8. This, however, did not prevent him from becoming a cult figure among some of the Jacobins and other revolutionaries.

9. The robot visual servo control system mathematics model was built. The Image Jacobin Matrix for GRB-400 robot was established.

10. Robespierre had to make his speeches in the Jacobin Club, as he was not eligible for election to the Assembly.

11. The Basques divided into Republicans, laicist Jacobins (but for a nuanced position held by Xaho), and Royalists (traditional Catholics), with the latter prevailing among the Basques

12. Six months later, the National Convention, led by Robespierre and the Jacobins, endorsed abolition and extended it to all the French colonies.

13. By studying on Jacobin matrix of planar, a method that can make the machine avoid singularity on operating is put forward.

14. After determining the assemble scheme, the closed forward and inverse solution and velocity Jacobin matrix of the two degree of freedom parallel mechanism are obtained.

15. 1811, George Grennell Time has not yet oBliviated the veneration of our jacobins for France, while she was seething with faction and blood […]

16. It specifies the establishment of the kinematic equations and the Jacobin matrix. It also gives a detailed discussion on the singularity of the mechanism.

17. Continuation power flow method, the strong tool of voltage stability analysis, can overcome the problem of singularity of Jacobin matrix when running close to collapse point.

18. Decades later, during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, the Comtesse was targeted by the Jacobins as a symbol of the hated old regime; she was guillotined on 8 December 1793.

19. Debate in Jacobin “How to be an Anticapitalist Today”, Erik Olin Wright, Jacobin.December 12, 2015 “An Anti-capitalism that can Win”, by Dylan Rile, Jacobin.January 6, 2016

20. "Do you think anyone can govern innocently," Saint-Just the phrase taken of course from Saint-Just, one of the leaders of the Jacobin Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.

21. Barres, Maurice The political outlook of the radical Right was most eloquently articulated by the literary figure and political activist, Maurice Barres, who rejected the Jacobin idea of French national identity as molded by the ideological legacy of the Revolution

22. Les Brigandes took a huge step forward in terms of both choreography and set production with their Broadway-style song “The Jacobin Lodge.” It is a light-hearted criticism of the Masonic fraternity and its role in France since the Revolution.

23. ‘The hotel contains an oak timber frame thought to have formed the end of an Aisled hall, a popular form of building among well-off peasants in the 13 th century.’ More example sentences ‘Now you see that what it resembles is a preaching hall, like Les Jacobins in Toulouse, rather than an Aisled…

24. ‘The hotel contains an oak timber frame thought to have formed the end of an Aisled hall, a popular form of building among well-off peasants in the 13 th century.’ More example sentences ‘Now you see that what it resembles is a preaching hall, like Les Jacobins in Toulouse, rather than an Aisled…

25. ‘With the coup d'état of the 18th Brumaire 1799, which brought Bonaparte to power, Paine was again under suspicion.’ ‘Marx also wrote in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.’ ‘The pretext for the Brumaire coup had been the prevention of a Jacobin plot, and in the course of it 62 left-wing deputies were excluded from the